
Key Point

💡 It's OK to use contractions; but be wary of certain kinds of contractions.

We write our documentation in an informal tone, feel free to use most types of contractions.

Negation contractions

In particular, it's fine to use "-n't" contractions, such as "isn't," "don't," and "can't."

One reason that such contractions are useful: it's sometimes easy for a reader to miss the word "not," whereas it's harder to misread "don't" as "do."

Noun+verb contractions

Avoid contractions formed from nouns and verbs.

👍 Recommended: Plone is fast and awesome.

👎 Not recommended: Plone's fast and awesome.

Sometimes, it's OK to use a noun+verb contraction, such as "If you want to display information, a table's your best option."

It's best to avoid that kind of contraction.

👍 Recommended: The following guides are a good way to learn to use Plone.

👎 Not recommended: The following guides're a good way to learn to use Plone.

Here, "guides're" just sounds clunky and weird.

Don't use double contractions

Double contractions contain not just one but two contracted words. Some examples of double contractions are as follows:

  • Mightn't've (mightn't have → might not have)
  • Mustn't've (mustn't have → must not have)
  • Wouldn't've (wouldn't have → would not have)
  • Shouldn't've (shouldn't have → should not have)

Its and it's

Don't confuse its with it's. It's not right!

Last Updated: 6/20/2019, 2:13:52 PM