
Key Point

💡 Prefer lists and only use tables for small, non-complex and single line content.

Complex, large tables are difficult to read in source and most importantly, a pain to modify, indent and also read later for example when using

  • Line breaks within rows
  • Long sentences that must be wrapped
  • Inline links with long URLs

Lists and subheadings usually suffice to present the same information in a slightly less compact, though much more edit-friendly and more elegant way.

👍 Correct code for this rule:

## Elements

### Snow

- [Wikipedia]( "Link to Wikipedia")
- It falls down in winter!
- Attributes:
  - Soft
  - Damp
  - Crystal-like

### Frost

- [Knowledge Base]( "Link to Knowledge Base")
- Sparkling and frozen!
- Attributes:
  - Cold
  - Grainy

For small, non-complex and single line content:

| Element | Attribute |
| ------- | --------- |
| Frost   | Sparkling |
| Ice     | Frozen    |

👎 Incorrect code for this rule:

| Element  | URL | Note | Attributes | Types |
| :------: | --- | ---- | ---------- | ----- |
| Snow     | [Wikipedia]( | It falls down in winter! | soft, damp, crystal-like | powder snow, wet snow, lazy snow |
| Frost    | [Wikipedia]( | Sparkling and frozen! | cold, grainy | permafrost, hard rime, ground frost |

Empty lines before and after

Always surround tables by a single empty line except at the beginning of the file.

👍 Correct code for this rule:

... snowflakes are falling.

| Element | Attribute |
| ------- | --------- |
| Snow    | Falling   |
| Frost   | Sparkling |
| Ice     | Cold      |

Sparkling and frozen...

👎 Incorrect code for this rule:

... snowflakes are falling.
| Element | Attribute |
| ------- | --------- |
| Snow    | Falling   |
| Frost   | Sparkling |
| Ice     | Cold      |
Sparkling and frozen...
... snowflakes are falling.

| Element | Attribute |
| ------- | --------- |
| Snow    | Falling   |
| Frost   | Sparkling |
| Ice     | Cold      |

Sparkling and frozen...

Content spacing

Surround the content of headers and cells with at least one (1) single whitespace.

👍 Correct code for this rule:

| Element | Attribute |
| ------- | --------- |
| Frost   | Sparkling |

👎 Incorrect code for this rule:

| ----- | ------- |
|Frost|Sparkling  |
|  Element           |  Attribute    |
|  -------           |  ---------    |
|  Frost             |  Sparkling    |

Header delimiter row spacing

The delimiter row must only consist of cells whose only content are hyphens (-) surrounded by a single whitespace, and optionally, a leading or trailing colon (:), or both, to indicate left, right, or center alignment respectively.

remark-lint: table-cell-padding and table-pipe-alignment

👍 Correct code for this rule:

| Element | Attribute |
| ------- | --------- |
| Frost   | Sparkling |
| Element | Attribute |
| :-----: | --------: |
| Frost   | Sparkling |

👎 Incorrect code for this rule:

| Element | Attribute |
| Frost   | Sparkling |
| Element | Attribute |
| Frost   | Sparkling |
| Element | Attribute |
|---      | ---       |
| Frost   | Sparkling |
| Element | Attribute |
| Frost   | Sparkling |

Minimum column width

The minimum column width is determined by the cell with the longest content in the column.

remark-lint: table-pipe-alignment

👍 Correct code for this rule:

| Element | Attribute             |
| ------- | ---------             |
| Frost   | Sparkling and frozen! |
| Snow    | Falling down!         |

👎 Incorrect code for this rule:

| Element | Attribute |
| ------- | --------- |
| Frost   | Sparkling and frozen! |
| Snow    | Falling down! |


Always align tables vertically.

Unaligned tables are easier to write, but tables with aligned border pipes (|) are more readable. Preceding pipes make it easier to determine where a table starts and ends.

Trailing pipes make it look better because of symmetry.

remark-lint: table-pipes

👍 Correct code for this rule:

| Element | Attribute                                    |
| ------- | ---------                                    |
| Frost   | Sparkling and frozen!                        |
| Snow    | Falling down!                                |
| Ice     | Everything is smooth and slippery in winter! |

👎 Incorrect code for this rule:

| Element | Attribute |
| --- | --- |
| Frost | Sparkling and frozen! |
| Snow | Falling down! |
| Ice | Everything is smooth and slippery in winter! |

No indentation

Never indent tables.

remark-lint: no-table-indentation

👍 Correct code for this rule:

| Element | Attribute             |
| ------- | ---------             |
| Frost   | Sparkling and frozen! |
| Snow    | Falling down!         |

👎 Incorrect code for this rule:


The · character represents a whitespace.

·| Element | Attribute             |
·| ------- | ---------             |
·| Frost   | Sparkling and frozen! |
·| Snow    | Falling down!         |
··| Element | Attribute             |
··| ------- | ---------             |
··| Frost   | Sparkling and frozen! |
··| Snow    | Falling down!         |
·········| Element | Attribute             |
·········| ------- | ---------             |
·········| Frost   | Sparkling and frozen! |
·········| Snow    | Falling down!         |
Last Updated: 6/20/2019, 2:13:52 PM