
Key Point

๐Ÿ’ก How to uses lists.

Unordered marker

Use dashes - marker.

remark-lint: unordered-list-marker-style

๐Ÿ‘ Correct code for this rule:

- Winter
- Snow
- Frost

๐Ÿ‘Ž Incorrect code for this rule:

* Winter
* Snow
* Frost
+ Winter
+ Snow
+ Frost

Ordered marker

Use continuous numerating marker for ordered list items.

This increases the readability and overview and allows to refer to items by their number in the same markdown file or externally.

It also allows to create sub-items which is impossible if the same number will be used for all top-level items.

The marker character must be a dot (.), characters like a closing brace ()) are not allowed since they are only supported in CommonMark.

The only disadvantage is that references break when a new list item is added.

This problem can be reduced by

  • Using an unordered list until the final structure and layout has been determined.
  • Keeping references close to the list to avoind forgetting to update them.
  • Always specify an specific version of the markdown file when referring from an external document.

remark-lint: ordered-list-marker-style and remark-lint-ordered-list-marker-value

๐Ÿ‘ Correct code for this rule:

1. Winter
2. Snow
  2.1 Snowflakes
3. Frost

๐Ÿ‘Ž Incorrect code for this rule:

1. Winter
1. Snow
  1.1 Snowflakes
1. Frost
1) Winter
1) Snow
  1.1) Snowflakes
1) Frost
1) Winter
2) Snow
  2.1) Snowflakes
3) Frost

No content before

Make sure that there are no other characters (including whitespaces) in front of each list item.

remark-lint: list-item-bullet-indent

๐Ÿ‘ Correct code for this rule:

- Winter
- Snow
  - Snowflakes
- Frost
1. Winter
2. Snow
  2.1 Snowflakes
3. Frost

๐Ÿ‘Ž Incorrect code for this rule:


The ยท character represents a whitespace character.

x- Winter
 - Snow
  .- Snowflakes
"- Frost
ยท- Frost
x1. Winter
 2. Snow
  .2.1 Snowflakes
"3. Frost
ยท3. Frost

Continuous indentation

Use two (2) whitespaces for continuous indentation of nested items and their content.

remark-lint: list-item-content-indent and list-item-indent

๐Ÿ‘ Correct code for this rule:

- Winter
  - Snow
- Snowflakes
  - Frost
- Arctic
  - Sparkling
    - Frozen
- Winter
  Sparkling and frozen!
- Snowflakes
  Made of snow!
- Snow
  Falls down!
  Arctic beauty
- Winter
  import React, { PureComponent } from "react";
  class Frost extends PureComponent {
    // ...
  export default Frost;
    import winter.Snow;
    String[] flakes = Snow.getFlakes();
    - Frost
      > Sparkling and frozen!

๐Ÿ‘Ž Incorrect code for this rule:

- Winter
    - Snow
- Snowflakes
 - Frost
- Arctic
   - Sparkling
           - Frozen
- Winter
    Sparkling and frozen!
- Snowflakes
 Made of snow!
- Snow
   Falls down!
       Arctic beauty
- Winter
        import React, { PureComponent } from "react";
        class Frost extends PureComponent {
          // ...
        export default Frost;
   - Snow
    import static winter.Snow;
    String[] flakes = Snow.getFlakes();
 - Frost
   > Sparkling and frozen!

Empty lines

A list must not contain blank lines between each list item.

remark-lint: list-item-spacing

๐Ÿ‘ Correct code for this rule:

- Winter
- Snow
  - Snowflakes
- Frost

๐Ÿ‘Ž Incorrect code for this rule:

- Winter

- Snow

  - Snowflakes

- Frost

Empty lines before and after

Always surround lists by a single empty line except at the beginning of the file.

๐Ÿ‘ Correct code for this rule:

... snowflakes are falling.

- Winter
- Snow
  - Snowflakes
- Frost

Sparkling and frozen...

๐Ÿ‘Ž Incorrect code for this rule:

... snowflakes are falling.
- Winter
- Snow
  - Snowflakes
- Frost
Sparkling and frozen...
... snowflakes are falling.

- Winter
- Snow
  - Snowflakes
- Frost

Sparkling and frozen...

Letter case

Use upper cases for enumerations because most of the time the content is a noun, proper name, code snippet or standalone sentence.

When the list items are meant to be imaginary concatenated with the sentence that comes before the list, adapt to the same case as the context.

๐Ÿ‘ Correct code for this rule:

The winter has

- Many snowflakes that are falling down.
- Sparkling and frozen elements!
- A lot of beautiful animals like snowy owls, arctic foxes, and grizzly bears.

Enumerations or context-dependent:

The winter has

- **Snowflakes** - They are falling down.
- **Elements** - They are sparkling and frozen!
- **Beautiful animals** - e.g a lot of snowy owls, arctic foxes, and grizzly bears.

Proper names or code snippets:

A list for

- React
- `String`

๐Ÿ‘Ž Incorrect code for this rule:

The winter has

- many snowflakes that are falling down.
- sparkling and frozen elements!
- a lot of beautiful animals like snowy owls, arctic foxes, and grizzly bears.

Enumerations or context-dependent:

The winter has

- **snowflakes** - They are falling down.
- **elements** - They are sparkling and frozen!
- **beautiful animals** - Like e.g a lot of snowy owls, arctic foxes, and grizzly bears.

Proper names or code snippets:

A list for

- react
- `string`

Punctuation after items

Use punctuation at the end of a list item when it contains a sentence that starts with an upper case letter or multiple sentences or paragraphs.

Omit the punctuation for single words.

๐Ÿ‘ Correct code for this rule:

- Winter
- Snow
- Frost
The Winter is

- Sparkling and frozen.
- Cold and snowy.
- Bright and enlightened.

๐Ÿ‘Ž Incorrect code for this rule:

- Winter.
- Snow.
- Frost.
The Winter is

- sparkling and frozen
- cold and snowy
- bright and enlightened

Checkbox character style

Use x for ticked checkboxes and a single space for non ticked checkboxes.

remark-lint: checkbox-character-style

๐Ÿ‘ Correct code for this rule:

- [x] Winter
- [ ] Snow
- [x] Frost

๐Ÿ‘Ž Incorrect code for this rule:

- [!] Winter
- [~] Snow
- [ยป] Frost
* [] Winter
* [  ] Snow
* [     ] Frost
Last Updated: 6/20/2019, 2:13:52 PM